A rapidly expanding literature documents the effects of social support on physical and psychological well-being. Although definitions vary, most include both tangible components (e.g., financial assistance and physical aid) and intangible components (e.g., encouragement and guidance). Social support has been implicated in the mediation of stressful life events, recovery from illness, and increased program adherence. There are many inconsistent findings in the literature, however, and it is difficult to resolve discrepancies because measures of social support vary widely from study to study. To guide in the selection of measurement methods for research and applied work, 23 techniques for assessing social support are reviewed and evaluated. Criteria for favorable evaluation included reliability coefficients greater than .8 and documentation of validity. Correlations between various social support and criterion measures are simulated in order to demonstrate the consequences of choosing a measure with low reliability. Scale developers reported reliability data for 19 of the reviewed measures. Internal consistency coefficients ranged from .31 to .98. Test-retest coefficients ranged from .22 to .96. At least some validity documentation was available for 13 of the scales. Discriminant validity evidence, however, is almost universally absent. Despite psychometric weaknesses and variability among the scales, researchers have several instruments available to them.