Gutzwiller approach to the Anderson lattice model with no orbital degeneracy

A new technique is used to obtain the Gutzwiller ground-state energy functional for the Anderson lattice model with no orbital degeneracy (ALM). For the Hubbard model, known expressions are derived with ease and simplicity. For the ALM, we derive the ground-state energy functional of Varma, Weber, and Randall. As a check on our Gutzwiller functional, we find an independent analytical upper bound for the ground-state energy of ALM with a dispersionless f band. For the case of a dispersionless f band and momentum-independent hybridization, in the Kondo regime, we derive analytical expressions for the ground-state energy, charge, and magnetic susceptibilities. For the special case of infinite Coulomb repulsion, we recover results of Rice and Ueda and of Fazekas and Brandow, notably the negative value of the magnetic susceptibility. The negative magnetic susceptibility persists in the entire Kondo region, i.e., finite-U effects do not stabilize the nonmagnetic Kondo state. This suggests that nonzero orbital degeneracy in the Anderson lattice model must be retained to describe heavy-fermion materials with a normal Fermi liquid ground state.