Image processing methods for particle image velocimetry (PIV) are reviewed. The discussion focuses on iterative methods aimed at enhancing the precision and spatial resolution of numerical interrogation schemes. Emphasis is placed on the efforts made to overcome the limitations of the correlation interrogation method with respect to typical problems such as in-plane loss of pairs, velocity gradient compensation and correlation peak locking. The discussion shows how the correlation signal benefits from simple operations such as the window-offset technique, or the continuous window deformation, which compensates for the in-plane velocity gradient. The image interrogation process is presented within the discussion of the image matching problem and several algorithms and implementations currently in use are classified depending on the choice made about the particle image pattern matching scheme. Several methods that differ in their implementations are found to be substantially similar. Iterative image deformation methods that account for the continuous particle image pattern transformation are analysed and the effect of crucial choices such as image interpolation method, displacement prediction correction and correlation peak fit scheme are discussed. The quantitative performance assessment made through synthetic PIV images yields order-of-magnitude improvement on the precision of the particle image displacement at a sub-pixel level when the image deformation is applied. Moreover, the issue of spatial resolution is addressed and the limiting factors of the specific interrogation methods are discussed. Finally, an attempt for a flow-adaptive spatial resolution method is proposed. The method takes into account the local velocity derivatives in order to perform a local increase of the interrogation spatial density and a refinement of the local interrogation window size. The resulting spatial resolution is selectively enhanced. The method's performance is analysed and compared with some precursor techniques, namely the conventional cross-correlation analysis with and without the effect of a window discrete offset and deformation. The suitability of the method for the measurement in turbulent flows is illustrated with the application to a turbulent backward facing step flow.