Selected kinematic and kinetic variables in the running pattern of 2-, 4-, and 6-year-old children were investigated. Cinematographic records and force-plate tracings were used to study the running patterns of the 28 Caucasian subjects, 15 male and 13 female. A 2 × 3 (sex × age) factorial analysis of variance was used to determine whether effects of variation between and within age and sex factors for each of the dependent variables of selected kinematic (displacement and velocity) and kinetic (ground reaction force) variables were significant. The running speeds improved with age. Although height and weight gains influenced the improvement shown in performance, certain biomechanical variables also contributed to the development of the running pattern. In the majority of the selected kinematic and kinetic variables there were significant differences between the 2-year-old group and the other two groups. Where there were significant differences in the variables, the differences tended to be in displacement, velocity, and magnitude of force measures, rather than in time of occurrence measures. Significant differences between male and female subjects appeared in five kinematic variables related to the swing leg.

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