Monthly and seasonal relationships between urban–rural differences in minimum, maximum, and average temperatures measured at surface-based observation stations were compared to satellite-derived Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer estimates of a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and surface radiant temperature (Tsfc). The relationships between surface- and satellite-derived variables were developed during 1989–91 and tested on data acquired during 1992–93. The urban–rural differences in air temperature were linearly related to urban–rural differences in the NDVI and Tsfc. A statistically significant but relatively small (less than 40%) amount of the variation in these urban–rural differences in air temperature [the urban heat island (UHI) bias] was associated with variation in the urban–rural differences in NDVI and Tsfc. A comparison of the satellite-based estimates of the UHI bias with population-based estimates of the UHI bias indicated similar levels of error. The use of sate... Abstract Monthly and seasonal relationships between urban–rural differences in minimum, maximum, and average temperatures measured at surface-based observation stations were compared to satellite-derived Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer estimates of a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and surface radiant temperature (Tsfc). The relationships between surface- and satellite-derived variables were developed during 1989–91 and tested on data acquired during 1992–93. The urban–rural differences in air temperature were linearly related to urban–rural differences in the NDVI and Tsfc. A statistically significant but relatively small (less than 40%) amount of the variation in these urban–rural differences in air temperature [the urban heat island (UHI) bias] was associated with variation in the urban–rural differences in NDVI and Tsfc. A comparison of the satellite-based estimates of the UHI bias with population-based estimates of the UHI bias indicated similar levels of error. The use of sate...