The Effects of Spinal Osteomyelitis on Porphyrin-Precursor Excretion, and the Presence of Gout in a Patient with Latent Acute Intermittent Porphyria

A male patient with latent acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) developed subacute back and abdominal pain, along with severe constipation. Urinary excretion of porphobilinogen (PBG) and [DELTA]-aminolevulinic-acid (ALA) was markedly elevated. A destructive vertebral lesion was responsible for the symptoms. Study of prophyrin-precursor excretiondemonstrated that development of the inflammatory bone lesion profoundly affected excretion of ALA and PBG even though AIP was not responsible for the symptoms. This is an example of the effect of a discernible factor on porphyrin-precursor excretion by a patient with AIP. Since the patient also had gout, the possible relationship of this disease and AIP is noted and discussed.

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