In S. aureus, inhibitors suppressed the accumulation of free glutamic acid or its combination in the cell at concns. ineffective against fermentation. Of the 2 processes (a) accumulation of free glutamic acid, (b) formation of cellular combined glutamate, Na azide and 2,4-dinitrophenol are equally effective against both; 8-hydroxyquinoline is more effective against (a) than (b); aureo-mycin and chloramphenicol are markedly more effective as inhibitors of (b) than (a); streptomycin affects (b) at concns. markedly higher than those required to prevent growth. There is a close correlation between the inhibitory action of chloramphenicol on (b) and its action as growth inhibitor. Penicillin has no action on the processes in washed suspensions; addition of penicillin to the medium 30-60 min. before harvesting results in complete inhibition of (a) and (b). [long dash]From auth. summ.