Bø, Ola O. (1972). The Extent of the Connection between Cerebral Dominance of Speech Functions (Auditory and Vocal), Hand Dominance, and Dyslexia. Scand. J. educ. Res. 16, 61‐88. The relations between hand dominance and cerebral dominance for language functions are partly investigated by the use of direct methods like Wanda's method and binaural listening, partly by examination of language dysfunctions following one‐sided brain lesions. In right‐handers the left hemisphere seems to be the dominant one for language functions, although it is not clear to what extent there is some right‐side representation as well. For lefthanders the results are not so clear. However, even in this group left dominance is probably more common than right dominance, but the lateralization seems not to be so pronounced. Investigations of the connections between hand dominance and dyslexia are not at all conclusive. This may be due to the fact that the term dyselxia is used in different ways in different investigations.