Acute colitis resembling ulcerative colitis in the hemolytic-uremic syndrome

The case report of a 10-year-old boy, admitted to the hospital after he had experienced 4 days of periumbilical abdominal pain, intermittent vomiting, and diarrhea, is presented. He had proctoscopic and radiologic findings resembling ulcerative colitis. However, further analysis of laboratory data suggested hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Since the patient in the pediatric age group presents with a clinical picture mimicking ulcerative colitis, this hemolytic-uremic syndrome should be included in the differential diagnosis. Examination of a peripheral smear revealing typical findings of microangiopathic, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and a rising blood urea nitrogen value will lead to the diagnosis of hemolytic-uremic syndrome and early appropriate therapy.