Mephenesin (3-ortho-toloxy-1,2-propanediol) is a synthetic compound which exhibits profound muscle-relaxing properties, and offers a new approach to the treatment of spastic and neurological disorders. The ability of mephenesin to act on the abnormal neuromuscular mechanisms responsible for muscle spasm, spasticity, rigidity, tremor, and dyskinesia has been demonstrated by Schlesinger and associates,1by Gammon and Churchill,2by Berger and Schwartz,3and by others.4 Control of the spasms of tetanus, treated by parenteral administration of mephenesin, has been reported in several cases.5The oral administration of mephenesin in tetanus has not been extensively reported.6It is the object of this paper to present three cases in which tetanus was treated successfully with oral doses of mephenesin in combination with phenobarbital sodium. REPORT OF CASES Case 1. —S. H., an 8-year-old Negro schoolboy, was admitted to Jackson Memorial Hospital on June 1, 1949, after an illness of