The Histochemistry of the Spermatheca in Four Species of Sonorella (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)

The histology and histochemistry of the spermathecae of Sonorella santaritana, S. odorata, S. huachucana, and S. sabinoensis were investigated in an attempt to elucidate their physiological functions. The spermatheca is a thin-walled sac lined with columnar epithelium and surrounded by distinct layers of muscle. The lumen is filled with concentrically arranged layers of material which is apparently partially decomposed, sperm-filled mucin. The hydrolytic enzymes protease and deoxyribonuclease are localized in the lumen of the spermatheca. Ribonuclease is concentrated in the epithelial lining with lesser activity demonstrable in the lumen. Acid phosphatase activity is localized in the lower half of the epithelial cells and adenosine triphosphatase activity is concentrated immediately below the epithelium in the muscle layer. The cumulative evidence appears to confirm a digestive function of this reproductive organ.