The Canadian Atmospheric Environment Service participated in the Stratospheric Ozone Intercomparison Campaign (STOIC) by operating a Brewer ozone spectrophotometer at the Table Mountain Observatory from July 19 to August 2, 1989. Frequent direct Sun measurements of total column ozone were made throughout most days during the 2 weeks of the intercomparison. Results of the Brewer instrument total ozone measurements are given. They show that there is a diurnal variation of total ozone with values increasing on average by 6.6±2.4 Dobson units between early morning and late afternoon. Comparing the total ozone measurements with ozone concentration measurements made at ground level suggests that the daytime increase is a result of a buildup of surface ozone during the day. The total ozone measurements made by the Brewer instrument during STOIC are compared with total ozone measurements made by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Dobson instrument, the NASA/Wallops electrochemical concentration cell ozonesondes and the total ozone mapping spectrometer satellite instrument.