Neuroimaging Findings in Twins Discordant for Alzheimer’s Disease

Data from computed tomography (CT) scans of 12 twin pairs in which one partner had Azheimer’s disease (AD) and the other partner is cognitively intact were analyzed to study structural brain features associated with AD while controlling for familial factors. Visual ratings and analysis of quantified areas and volumes indicated that AD twins showed more dilation of temporal horns, lateral ventricles and third ventricle, and more atrophy of temporal lobes, particularly in the anterior temporal/perisylvian area, than their healthy cotwins. Demented twins did not have smaller intracranial areas or overall brain volumes than their intact partners. The apolipoprotein σ-4 allele was associated with greater dilation of lateral ventricles and ventricular volume. Significant intrapair correlations were found for total intracranial area and volume, cerebellar area and white matter lesions.