The influence of light, soil moisture, and temperature on establishment of selected species through hairy vetch residue on the soil surface was investigated under controlled conditions in the greenhouse. Hairy vetch residue at rates ranging from 0 to 616 g m−2 had no effect on corn, slightly reduced velvetleaf and green foxtail establishment, and severely inhibited common lambsquarters establishment under full sunlight conditions. The same rates of hairy vetch residue reduced velvetleaf, green foxtail, and common lambsquarters establishment more under a shade cloth with 9% light transmittance than under full sunlight. Day/night temperatures of 24/16 or 32/26 C had no effect and soil moistures of 50 or 133% field capacity had little effect on response of all species to residue rates. Weed establishment was similar under shade cloth without residue as under residue with an equivalent light transmittance, suggesting that light was more important than allelopathy or physical impedance for weed suppression by hairy vetch residue.