Intracellular location of the Ah receptor

The subcellular distribution of the Ah receptor from the mouse hepatoma line, Hepa‐1, was investigated following cytochalasin B treatment and cell enucleation. Probing the resultant cytoplast and nucleoplast fractions with radiolabelled tetrachlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxin (TCDD) revealed the presence of a specifically bound peak of receptor only in the cytoplast fraction. However, the quantity of receptor recovered in these experiments was only 10–12% of the expected value. We therefore undertook an investigation to determine the fate of the Ah receptor in the presence of cytochalasin B. Incubation of Hepa‐1 cells with this compound resulted in a rapid loss or inactivation of cytosolic binding activity with a concomitant decrease in the amount of receptor partitioned into the nucleus at all time periods examined. Control experiments indicated that cytochalasin B did not compete with TCDD for binding to the Ah receptor and furthermore, that its mechanism of action could not be attributed to a non‐specific effect on all cytosolic proteins. The results obtained are discussed in relation to the proposed models for induction by the estrogen and glucocorticoid binding receptors.