The Terabit/s Super-Fragment Builder and Trigger Throttling System for the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment at CERN

The Data Acquisition System of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the Large Hadron Collider reads out event fragments of an average size of 2 kB from around 650 detector front-ends at a rate of up to 100 kHz. The first stage of event-building is performed by the Super-Fragment Builder employing custom-built electronics and a Myrinet optical network. It reduces the number of fragments by one order of magnitude, thereby greatly decreasing the requirements for the subsequent event-assembly stage. Back-pressure from the down-stream event-processing or variations in the size and rate of events may give rise to buffer overflows in the subdetector's front-end electronics, which would result in data corruption and would require a time-consuming re-sync procedure to recover. The Trigger-Throttling System protects against these buffer overflows. It provides fast feedback from any of the subdetector front-ends to the trigger so that the trigger can be throttled before buffers overflow. This paper reports on new performance measurements and on the recent successful integration of a scaled-down setup of the described system with the trigger and with front-ends of all major subdetectors. The on-going commissioning of the full-scale system is discussed.

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