A neuropsychological battery comprised of 29 Halstead-Reitan variables, 2 Benton variables, 1 Reitan-Kløve variable, 16 Kløve variables, and the 12 WISC variables was given to 200 normal children, ages 9 to 15. Results of a principal component factor analysis indicated that at least 19 different dimensions were being measured. The dimensions of neuropsychological functioning were: Directional Sequencing of Visual Stimuli, Verbal Fluency, Static Motor Steadiness, Directed Motor Steadiness, Tactile Discrimination Speed, Coordinated Motor Speed, Undirected Motor Speed, Manipulative Dexterity, Patterned Critical Discrimination, Form Reproduction Accuracy, Crossed-modality Consistency, Set for Provisional Solutions, Cue Resultant Shifting of Attention, Tactile Retention, Alternation Between Conceptual Realms, Directed Motor Speed, Analytic-synthetic Visual-motor Ability, Form Reproduction Speed and Auditory Recognition. Regression weights and composite score formulae for estimating S's scores on these 19 dimensions were presented. Dimensions corresponded to the verbal-performance division of the WISC. 14 factors were found to be relatively independent of psychometric measures of intelligence; 3 factors were interdependent with WISC performance variables; 1 factor was interdependent with a WISC verbal variable; 1 factor derived from WISC verbal variables. The derived factors were related to other factor analytic studies.