To assay progesterone receptor (PR), we compared Abbott's enzyme immunoassay (PR-EIA) with a ligand-binding assay involving dextran-coated charcoal (PR-DCC), using cytosols prepared from 109 breast-cancer biopsies. Results by the two PR methods agreed well. Least-squares analysis produced a line of best fit having a slope of 0.88, an intercept on the PR-EIA axis of 16 fmol per milligram of protein, and a correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.87. To evaluate whether accurate PR-EIA measurements could be obtained on stored cytosols, we compared PR-EIA values for fresh cytosols with values for cytosols stored for various lengths of time up to 13 weeks. Agreement was excellent, especially when the samples showing very high binding (greater than 600 fmol per milligram of protein) were excluded. The lines of best fit after least-squares analyses of the remaining values had slopes between 1.0 and 1.1, intercepts less than 3 fmol/mg, and r2 all greater than 0.91.