Events Following the Infection of Enucleate Cells with Measles Virus

The development of measles virus (Edmonston) and SSPE [subacute sclerosing panencephalitis] measles virus (Horta-Barbosa) was examined in enucleate [African green monkey kidney] BSC I cells. New antigen synthesis in measles virus infected enucleate cells was demonstrated by fluorescent antibody, by the formation of extensive syncytia from enucleate cells alone and by analysis of polypeptide formation by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All polypeptides formed in nucleate cells were also present in enucleate cells by the amount synthesized was reduced to .apprx. 20% of that in nucleate cells. There was also a significant reduction in the amout of antigen detected by fluorescent antibody in enucleate as compared to nucleate preparations. Examination of RNA synthesis in infected enucleate cells revealed only a marginal increase in acid-isoluble material. Titration of the output of infectious virus from enucleate cells infected at 37 and C indicated a consistent reduction of almost 2 log units compared to nucleate cells. That the enucleate cells were capable of replicating input genome at these times was demonstrated by the successful growth of respiratory syncytial virus at 37 and C. SSPE measles virus grew to higher yield in nucleate BSC I than measles virus but there was again a reduction of > 2 log units in enucleate cells. All polypeptides synthesized in SSPE infected nucleate cells were apparent in enucleate cells.