The Effects of Fluorescent Substances on the Photofading of Colours.

A fluorescent whitening agent of a pyrazoline type (FJ was found to accelerate the fading of Methyl Violet (MV) on irradiation at 366 nm in a film of polyacrylonitrile, while MV quenched the fading of F. In copolymers of acrylonitrile with vinyl acetate or acrylamide, the fading rates of F and MV as well as the acceleration of the fading of MV by F decreased with increasing comonomer content. The accelerated fading of MV by Fw was also observed in a commercial acrylic fibre, Vonnel W, on irradiation at 330 nm, while F had little effect on the decay of MV in this fibre in visible light. The fastness on polymers of MV exposed to a xenon lamp was in the following order: polyacrylonitrile<gelatin<cellulose acetate<acrylonitrile‐vinyl acetate copolymer.