A ferromagnetic system with frozen-in defects is investigated within a modified spherical model: The three-dimensional lattice is formed out of homogeneous layers which are occupied at random either by A or by B spins. We assume three exchange constants JA, JB, JAB which correspond to the coupling between AA, BB, and AB spins, respectively. Moreover, two types of layer configurations are considered. (i) The first one allows for the occurrence of arbitrarily large clusters of connected layers which contain the same spins only; (ii) in the second type, homogeneous clusters larger than a certain size are excluded. In case (ii) the randomness of the layer distribution prohibits long-range order in the following sense: If we add one layer to a finite lattice of thickness d, then its influence on the free energy decreases exponentially with d; this theorem is proved to be true for all temperatures and any particular layer configuration. We then specialize to JAB=0. In case (i) we find a finite critical temperature Tc which is indicated by a molecular-field-like jump in the specific heat. This singularity turns out to belong to the class of Griffiths singularities. The surprising fact that we have here a "visible" Griffiths singularity is attributed to fluctuations in the spin length. In case (ii) no critical behavior is observed.