Dietary Aroclor 1254 in the Milk Fat of Lactating Beef Cattle

Excretion in milk fat of Aroclor 1254 (a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls) by mature beef cows (Hereford and Hereford crossbred) was studied. Groups (3) of 6 cows each were fed primarily a corn silage diet characterized by clean silage (stored in an uncontaminated silo), silage stored in a silo coated with a sealant containing Aroclor 1254 and clean silage to which 200 mg Aroclor 1254/head daily was added (.apprx. 2-3 mg/kg body wt per day). Treatments were started .apprx. 3 mo. prior to parturition and extended 1 mo. after parturition, at which time treatments were discontinued and cows and nursing calves were placed on pasture. Milk was sampled from parturition-132 days after discontinuance of treatments. Fat from the milk of cows fed silage from the silo not sealed with the Aroclor 1254 product contained 0.69-1.59 ppm Aroclor 1254 throughout the 164 day lactation. Fat from cows fed silage from the silo treated with Aroclor 1254 sealant contained > 10-fold as much Aroclor 1254 (15.7-18.4 ppm) for 32 days compared with controls and then dropped to 1/2 that through the 164th day. Fat from the milk of cows fed 200 mg Aroclor 1254/day contained 119-150 ppm through the 1st 32 days and then dropped to 39-51 ppm through day 164.