To demonstrate the relationship of ultra structures and the function of the stria vascularis, adenosine triphosphatase, alkaline phosphatase cytochrome oxidase and succinic dehydrogenase activity were studied by means of electronmicroscopy. Histochemical technique presently available is not suited for good preparation of the stria vascularis. The methods above presented demonstrated that adenosine triphosphatase and alkaline phosphatase are present in the endoplasmic reticulum of both light (hypochromic) and dark (hyperchromic) cells of the stria vascularis. In my control observations on liver and kidney these enzymes also occurred. In the kidney they were seen in the basal infoldings of the basal membrane of renal tubules. We know the function of the kidney. We may assume that the stria vascularis may act somewhat similarly by secreting and absorbing inner ear fluid. The cytochrome oxidase and succinic dehydrogenase were demonstrated by special technique and showed the presence of these 2 enzymes in the mitochondria in the tissue examined, stria vascularis, kidney and heart.