Three‐dimensional high‐resolution volume rendering (HRVR) of computed tomography data: Applications to otolaryngology—head and neck surgery

Conventional computed tomographic display formats are not optimal for demonstrating three-dimensional anatomic relationships. In otolaryngology--head and neck surgery these critical relationships are often highly complex, and their complete understanding is essential to a successful surgical outcome. A new computer-generated image display format, high-resolution volume rendering (HRVR), facilities the understanding of these critical anatomic relationships by transforming conventional imaging data into clinically relevant 3-D images. Unlike many other 3-D reconstruction algorithms, HRVR suffers minimal data loss in the conversion process, which in turn provides for superior image resolution. This better allows the application of 3-D technology to small or complicated anatomic structures such as those frequently encountered in otolaryngology--head and neck surgery. Advances in computer-controlled manipulations that further enhance the evaluation of desired pathologic features have been achieved. This pilot study contains representative clinical cases chosen to illustrate the potential utility of HRVR in otolaryngology--head and neck surgery. The authors believe HRVR images will enhance the surgeon's understanding of the 3-D anatomic relationships that exist between critical pathologic features and surrounding vital structures.