Further Observations on Asymmetrical Solute Movement across Membranes

The permeability of frog skin under the influence of urea hyperosmolarity has been studied. Flux ratio asymmetry has been demonstrated again for tracer mannitol. The inhibitors DNP [2,4-dinitrophenol], CN", and ouabain have been used to eliminate active Na transport and it was found that urea hyperosmolarity produces asymmetrical mannitol fluxes on frog skins having no short-circuit current. These findings suggest that flux ratio asymmetry is due to solute interaction and is unrelated to Na transport. Studies with a synthetic membrane show clearly that bulk flow of fluid can produce a solvent drag effect and change flux ratios. When bulk flow is blocked and solute gradients allowed their full expression, then solute interaction solute drag is easily demonstrable in a synthetic system.