Investigation of geotechnical and geochemical relationships by parameter cross‐correlation methods, oslofjorden and dramsfjorden, Norway

A cross‐correlation matrix was computer developed to investigate the statistical dependence of geotechnical properties on other properties as an aid to learning why such dependence exists. Linear correlation coefficients, based on 10,000 data values from borings in four major basins along the axis of the Oslofjorden, and one boring at the south end of the Dramsfjorden, are presented for 17 measured or calculated geotechnical and geochemical parameters. Confidence levels of 99 percent and 99.99 percent were calculated for all parameters, and causative and fortuitous relationships or linkages were investigated using regrouped matrices showing correlations significant at the 99.99 percent confidence level. A table summarizes parameters correlating in both fjords, only in the Oslofjorden, only in the Dramsfjorden, and in neither fjord. Generally, relationships were as expected. Examples of unexpected absence of correlations follow: In the Oslofjorden, the clay‐size fraction and the plastic limit correlated only with the activity and the liquid limit, respectively. The lack of correlation with other parameters may be related to the character of the clay‐size fraction. In the Dramsfjor‐den, the sensitivity did not correlate with any other parameter, which may be related to the anoxic soils found in this fjord.

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