v-representability for systems with low degeneracy

We consider the v-representability of the particle density for a noninteracting system of spinless fermions by introducing the idea of proper order of a set of energy levels. It is shown that if E1(λ), E2(λ), and E3(λ) are three energy levels associated with some local potential Vλ(r) that is a continuous function of λ=(λ1,λ2,λ3) over all possible points λ, where λi is the occupation number of the ith state and M=λ1+λ2+λ3 is the total number of particles distributed over the three levels, then there must be at least one λ for which the three levels are in so-called proper order, in which the levels below the highest occupied level are filled. This result provides a basis for the proof of ensemble v-representability of some N-particle density for which the ground-state degeneracy of the system is no more than three. As examples, three- and two-dimensional central systems are examined, and an N-particle central density is shown to be ensemble v-representable for small N (N≤14 and N≤9 for three- and two-dimensional cases, respectively). The implications for density-functional theory are discussed.