Two-magnon Raman scattering in quadratic double-layer antiferromagnets

Two-magnon Raman spectra of the quadratic double-layer antiferromagnet K3 Mn2 F7 (TN=58.3 K) have been investigated from 2 K up to beyond the ordered regime. Following an analysis of the Raman-scattering Hamiltonian on the basis of symmetry, the spectra are interpreted in terms of a two-dimensional four-sublattice spin-wave theory appropriate to the double layer. The method used is the equation of motion of Green functions. It appears essential to include those quartic terms in the spin-wave Hamiltonian that couple the lower and upper magnon branches, but in the random-phase approximation do not contribute to renormalization of the magnon dispersion. Spectra calculated with first-order decoupling agree well with the spectra observed at 2 K. In second order, the damping of magnons near the zone boundary is expressed in an approximate analytical form. The computed second-order spectra account for the observed temperature dependence of both the peak position and the width of the scattering up to 1.1 TN. Fits to spectra of K3 Mn2 F7, with the anisotropy set at Δ=gμBHA5|J|S=0.002, yield a nearest-neighbor exchange J=7.68±0.07 K, in agreement with findings from the sublattice magnetization and susceptibility. From the low-temperature spectrum of the isomorphic K3 Ni2 F7 taken from the literature, we derive J(1+1.04Δ)=95.4±0.5 K.