Optimal partitioning of heterogeneous traffic sources in mobile communications networks

Given n heterogeneous traffic sources which generate multiple types of traffic among themselves, we consider the problem of finding a set of disjoint clusters to cover n traffic sources. The objective is to minimize the total communication cost for the entire system in the context that the intracluster communication is less expensive than the intercluster communication. Different from the general graph partitioning problem, our work takes into account the physical topology constraints of the linear arrangement of physical cells in highway cellular systems and the hexagonal mesh arrangement of physical cells in cellular systems. In our partitioning schemes, the optimal partitioning problem is transformed into an equivalent problem with a relative cost function, which generates the communication cost differences between the intracluster communications and the intercluster communications. For highway cellular systems, we have designed an efficient optimal partitioning algorithm of O(mn(2)) by dynamic programming, where m is the number of clusters of n base stations. The algorithm also finds all the valid partitions in the same polynomial time, given the size constraint on a cluster and the total allowable communication cost for the entire system. For hexagonal cellular systems, we have developed four heuristics for the optimal partitioning based on the techniques of moving or interchanging boundary nodes between adjacent clusters. The heuristics have been evaluated and compared through experimental testing and analysis.

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