Sodium chloride crystals containing small concentrations of cobalt (< 10 ppm) do not show any EPR line. A thick block of crystal containing ∼25 ppm of Co showed two partially resolved lines, with approximate g-values 2.036 and 2.011. These g-values are not close to those of Co++ (4.0 to 4.5) in other crystals. On X-irradiation, pure NaCl crystals show a complex EPR spectrum. X-irradiated Co doped NaCl crystals showed an EPR line superimposed on the complex EPR spectrum. Cobalt doped highly pure crystals, on X-irradiation, showed an EPR line superimposed on the F center EPR line. The g-value of the former is 2.049±0.002 and half width is 62±3 gauss. These results combined with those of dielectric loss and optical studies show that X-irradiation of Co doped crystals produces new centers, labelled as S centers, which produce a dielectric loss peak, a decrease in electrical conductivity, an optical band at 210 nm and the EPR line. Possible models of the S centers are discussed.