Optimal sequences, power control, and user capacity of synchronous CDMA systems with linear MMSE multiuser receivers

There has been intense effort in the past decade to develop multiuser receiver structures which mitigate interference between users in spread-spectrum systems. While much of this research is performed at the physical layer, the appropriate power control and choice of signature sequences in conjunction with multiuser receivers and the resulting network user capacity is not well understood. In this paper we will focus on a single cell and consider both the uplink and downlink scenarios and assume a synchronous CDMA (S-CDMA) system. We characterize the user capacity of a single cell with the optimal linear receiver (MMSE receiver). The user capacity of the system is the maximum number of users per unit processing gain admissible in the system such that each user has its quality-of-service (QoS) requirement (expressed in terms of its desired signal-to-interference ratio) met. This characterization allows one to describe the user capacity through a simple effective bandwidth characterization: users are allowed in the system if and only if the sum of their effective bandwidths is less than the processing gain of the system. The effective bandwidth of each user is a simple monotonic function of its QoS requirement. We identify the optimal signature sequences and power control strategies so that the users meet their QoS requirement. The optimality is in the sense of minimizing the sum of allocated powers. It turns out that with this optimal allocation of signature sequences and powers, the linear MMSE receiver is just the corresponding matched filter for each user. We also characterize the effect of transmit power constraints on the user capacity

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