Research Report—A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the User Information Satisfaction Instrument

The structure and dimensionality of the user information satisfaction (UIS) construct is an important theoretical issue that has received considerable attention. Building upon the work of Bailey and Pearson (1983), Ives et al. (1983) conduct an exploratory factor analysis and recommend a 13-item instrument (two indicators per item) for measuring user information satisfaction. Ives et al. also contend that UIS is comprised of three component measures (information product, EDP staff and services, and user knowledge or involvement). In a replication using exploratory techniques, Baroudi and Orlikowski (1988) confirm the three factor structure and support the diagnostic utility of the three factor model. Other researchers have suggested a need for caution in using the UIS instrument as a single measure of user satisfaction; they contend that the instrument's three components measure quite different dimensions whose antecedents and consequences should be studied separately.