Relationship of Calcium and Membrane Guanylate Cyclase in Adrenocorticotropin-Induced Steroidogenesis*

Chlorpromazine, when incubated with isolated adrenal cells, inhibited the ACTH-stimulated formation of cGMP and corticosterone production. It also inhibited the ACTH-stimulated membrane guanylate cyclase, but did not affect the binding of ACTH to the membrane receptors. cGMPinduced steroidogenesis was not affected by the drug. These data indicate that chlorpromazine interferes with adrenal steroid metabolism at a site between the hormone receptor and guanylate cyclase and also show that guanylate cyclase is composed of separate receptor and catalytic components. Furthermore, based on the premise that chlorpromazine exerts its inhibitory action by blocking the binding of a calcium receptor protein, such as calmodulin, to the receptor-coupled guanylate cyclase, it is proposed that the interaction of calcium, presumably through a calcium-binding protein, is essential for ACTH-dependent guanylate cyclase.