The effects of surface roughness on Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) have been a problem in surface analysis. In this study, the quantitative relationship between surface area and Auger signal intensity was studied using a variety of electrodeposited Cu foils. The foil surfaces studied here can be classified into two categories: Type A is cone shaped (diameter about 5 μ, height about 5 μ), and Type B is cone shaped with small nodules (diameter about 1 μ) on the surface. The surface area of foil samples was measured by the Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (BET) gas adsorption technique. In addition, the foil samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and light scattering experiments. The Auger signal intensities of foils were studied after thin film (gold or zinc oxide) deposition. The results indicate that (1) there are strong correlations between surface area data, Auger signal intensities, and light reflectance data for both Type A and Type B foils; and (2) this kind of Auger signal intensity dependence on surface area (roughness) is independent of the energy for the range studied (up to 1000 eV) here.