Neoclassical tearing modes in Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor experiments. I. Measurements of magnetic islands and Δ′

Tearing-type modes are observed in most high confinement operation regimes in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [Nucl. Fusion 35, 1429 (1995)]. Three different methods are used to measure the magnetic island widths: external magnetic coils, internal temperature fluctuation from electron cyclotron emission (ECE) diagnostics and an experiment where the plasma major radius is rapidly shifted (“Jog” experiments). A good agreement between the three methods is observed. Numerical and analytic calculations of Δ (the tearing instability index) are compared with an experimental measurement of Δ using the tearing mode eigenfunction mapped from the jog data. The obtained negative Δ indicates that the observed tearing modes cannot be explained by the classical current-gradient-driven tearing theory.