Growth of Nitrobacter in the presence of organic matter

1. Culture filtrates of heterotrophic bacteria were tested for their stimulatory effect on nitrification of three strains of Nitrobacter. 2. Yeast extract-peptone solution, in which Pseudomonas fluorescens had grown, after removal of the cells was added to autotrophically growing cultures of Nitrobacter agilis; it caused a stimulated nitrite oxidation and growth of Nitrobacter agilis. 3. The degree of stimulation depended on: a) the proportion of the culture filtrate to the autotrophic medium; b) the composition of the complex medium in which Pseudomonas fluorescens had been grown; c) the time the heterotrophic bacterium had been grown in the complex medium. 4. The stimulatory effect was highest with Nitrobacter agilis, less with Nitrobacter winogradskyi and negligible with Nitrobacter K4. 5. It was possible to adapt nitrifying cells of Nitrobacter agilis to higher concentrations of yeast extract and peptone. After the nitrite had been completely oxidized the cell-N still increased up to 30% before growth stopped.