The low prediction by statistical-overlap theory of the numbers of singlets and peaks in two-dimensional separations containing zones represented by either circles of small number or eccentric ellipses of any number is shown to result from use of probability expressions for unbound spaces of infinite extent. An exact theory is derived for the probability of singlet formation in a reduced two-dimensional space of unit length, width, and area. The probability is a weighted sum of the probabilities of singlet formation in the interior, edge, and corner regions of the space, which depend only on saturation. The weighting factors are the fractions of area associated with each region and depend on the number of zones, the aspect ratio, the saturation, and the ellipse's spatial orientation. The average numbers of doublets, triplets, and peaks in the space are approximated by combining these results with Roach's equations describing the clustering of circles in an unbound two-dimensional space. Simulations show that theory predicts the number of singlets, doublets, triplets, and peaks, when the number of zones is 25 or more, the aspect ratio is 100 or less, and the saturation is 2 or less. The relationship is derived between the aspect ratios of ellipses in the reduced space and actual separation space. Calculations are presented for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography.