Rapid allelic diversification and intensified selection at antigen recognition sites of the Mhc class II DPB1 locus during hominoid evolution

The evolution of polymorphism at the Mhc class II DPB1 locus was studied by comparison of chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), pygmy chimpanzee (Pan paniscus), gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) and human DPB1 alleles. Extensive polymorphism was found in all hominoids. The clustering of sequences in the phylogenetic tree is consistent with rapid generation of the DPB1 polymorphism. Analysis of the substitution pattern for human alleles shows an excess of non-synonymous changes to synonymous changes at antigen recognition sites, indicating that the amino acid polymorphism at these sites is being maintained by selection. By contrast, no excess of nonsynonymous changes was found at the antigen recognition sites of nonhuman hominoid species. Thus, it appears that diversifying selection on the DPB1 polymorphism has intensified in the lineage leading to humans. No evidence was found for the existence of ancient allelic lineages predating the divergence of the hominoid species. The number of synonymous differences among DPB1 alleles is lower than among DQB1 and DRB1 alleles, indicative of a more recent origin for the DPB1 polymorphism and consistent with the more rapid evolution suggested by the phylogenetic tree.