The effects of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on the histopathology of liver and brain edema was studied in the galactosamine-induced fulminant hepatic failure (GalN-FHF) rat model. The effect of PGE2 on the development of brain edema was studied in grade II coma FHF rats by electron microscopy and by measurement of brain water content and brain swelling. Electron microscopy revealed extensive pericapillary astroglial cell swelling and morphological changes of its subcellular organdies in control FHF rats. PGE2 injected FHF rats showed reduced astroglial swelling and brain edema. PGE2 administration significantly (p2 injection. This would appear that PGE2 is acting directly on the Blood Bain Barrier (BBB) to preserve it despite progressive hepatic failure.