On the Sulphur Metabolism of Rhodotorula gracilis. I. The Importance of Sulphur and Iron for the Formation of Protein and Fat.

I. The fat content of the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis (I) increased from 11.8 to 36.5% while the protein content dropped from 42.5 to 13% when only the MgSO4[center dot]7H2O content of the nutrient soln. (II) was decreased from 3 to 0.03 g./l. If the FeCl3.6 H2O content of II was changed from 0.015 g./l. to 0, the fat content increased from 12.3 to 27.8% and the protein content decreased from 44.6 to 21.9%. The agreement in composition found in yeast formed with a deficiency of N, S or Fe indicates that the decisive factor in the increased fat production is the reduction in the protein content of the yeast.[long dash]II. The metabolism of the protein-poor yeast is strongly reduced compared with that of the protein-rich yeast as indicated by the reduced yield of I. Parallel with the decrease of protein content of I a decrease of the content of SH groups occurred. The ratio SH/(SH + SS) for the yeast cultivated on the substrate poor in S, determined polarographically, was I, indicating S existing only as SH.