Comparison of the PPVT, PPVT-R and the WISC-R with Gifted Students

WISC-R, PPVT-R, and PPVT scores were compared for 36 gifted students. WISC-R VIQ and FSIQ scores were nonsignificantly different from the PPVT and to PPVT-R Form M scores. PPVT-R Form L scores were significantly lower than those obtained from the WISC-R Verbal and Full Scales. Correlation coefficients for the WISC-R VIQs, FSIQs, and the various PPVT and PPVT-R scores were all statistically significant. Because of the technical limitations of the PPVT, the PPVT-R was recommended over the PPVT as one instrument for screening gifted children.