During the last two years, several accounts of the treatment of cryptorchidism in man by pregnancy urine extracts have appeared in the medical literature. Schapiro1reported a group of cases in which the injection of anterior pituitary-like substance caused increased mobility of the testes. The details of treatment and the position of the testes were not given. Goldman and Stern2described two cases of unilateral undescended testis treated with commerical extract of pregnancy urine. In one case the testis descended into the scrotum but in the other it remained in the inguinal canal. These patients were also given thyroid substance and dried pituitary substance by mouth. Sexton3described six cases of so-called hypogenital condition treated with pregnancy urine extracts. In four of these, descent of a cryptorchid testis occurred during treatment. Rubinstein4described one case of bilateral cryptorchidism successfully treated in the same manner. Aberle and