Anelastic effects in annealed and mechanically deformed palladium containing hydrogen in α and α + β phase concentration ranges

Anelastic effects in palladium resulting from mechanical deformation and/or hydrogen absorption, have been studied over the range of hydrogen contents, H/Pd=n, between 0.00009 and 0.12, at temperatures between 80 and 300K and for vibration frequencies near to 2.5 kHz. Two elastic energy dissipation peaks, observed after mechanical deformation alone, appear to have basically similar origins to the Bordoni and Niblett and Wilks peaks observed in other FCC metals. In hydrogen-doped material, a dissipation peak attributable to a Zener type of lattice relaxation effect, has been shown to have similar relaxation parameters in both mechanically deformed and annealed material. The behaviour of a dissipation peak, which appears strongly in mechanically deformed material over a low range of hydrogen contents consistent with alpha -phase compositions, has been found compatible with a model proposed by Schoeck, involving the 'dragging' of interstitial hydrogen atoms by moving dislocations.