The Albumin/Globulin Ratio in Plasma and Exudate of Chicks Suffering from Exudative Diathesis.

Summary.: Tiselius‐electrophoresis was carried out on plasma from chicks on a normal commercial chicken ration, on a torula yeast containing artificial diet with or without vitamin E, and on exudate from chicks on the last mentioned diet.The albumin/globulin ratios were found to be largely the same for plasma of chicks on the normal diet, on the diet with torula yeast supplemented with vitamin E, and for the exudate. Lower albumin/globulin ratios were found only for plasma of chicks having exudate.The mobilities of the various plasma protein fractions were not influenced by the dietary regimen.The protein fractions in the exudate had the same mobilities as the corresponding fractions in the plasmas.