Long-Range Retarded Potentials between Molecules

The retarded interaction between neutral systems with no permanent moments, i.e., relativistic dispersion forces, is analyzed by quantum electrodynamics and the two‐photon exchange potential is computed for three cases: (i) When both systems are in their ground states, where the potential is the Casimir—Polder potential which falls off for separations R greater than λ/, the characteristic reduced wavelength in dipole transitions, as R−7; (ii) when one system is in an optically allowed excited state where the potential at short distances is the well‐known resonance potential proportional to R−3; and (iii) when both molecules are in excited states. The interaction energies are computed at all separations larger than a few molecular radii, so all overlap and Pauli effects are not considered. The asymptotic forms are given both for R>λ/ and R<λ/ (but still larger than molecular size). The latter give the familiar London and resonance potentials. The former are new results and show a very much slower falloff like a modulated inverse distance or distance squared. This effect is due to the true radiation field of a dipole containing in the radiation zone fields which fall off as R−1. The London potentials, calculated normally by Coulomb interaction only, arise in the fully retarded theory from the near‐zone fields which fall off as R−3.

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