Recognition Subtest for the Complex Figure

This is a series of three related studies using the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (CFT) and a new Recognition Subtest for the CFT. A comparison of scores on three matched groups of 30 subjects each (Brain-Injured, Psychiatric, and Normals) showed that the Recognition Subtest was useful in discriminating between the groups. A discriminant analysis was computed. Next, a preliminary normative group of 208 normals was collected for the CFT and the Recognition Subtest. Finally, a study comparing subjects with minor brain injury (no loss of consciousness) with those who were more impaired (with loss of consciousness) was made. This experiment demonstrated that the discriminant function proved to be most effective in discriminating brain-injured from normals and subjects with minor brain injuries. The inclusion of the Recognition Subtest with the CFT increases the breadth and discriminant ability of the CFT and provides a dimension not previously available with the CFT alone.