An experimental study was conducted investigating the effects of color and brightness contrast, direction of contrast, and six contrast values upon the legibility of a circular dial. The brightness of four chromatic hues was matched with four achromatic hues. Hues were combined in all possible combinations excluding chromatic with achromatic, resulting in six contrast values. For both dark on light and light on dark contrast directions, the contrast values were equal. Half of the twenty-four subjects had pilot training and half did not. A Dodge type tachistoscope was used to present the stimulus conditions. Reading time results indicated that the addition of color contrast to a dial of a given achromatic brightness contrast value, with a light on dark contrast direction, will not degrade and may improve the legibility of that dial. Legibility was also found to increase as contrast value increased. The study indicates that the use of color should be reconsidered in its application as a coding technique in complex system displays.

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