Magnetic properties and structure change from tetragonal to hexagonal for the rapidly quenched SmTiFe11 alloy ribbons

Structure and magnetic properties of the rapidly quenched SmTiFe11 alloy ribbons fabricated under various quenching rates were systematically examined. Phase transformation from an equilibrium ThMn12‐type structure (tetragonal) to a metastable TbCu7‐type disordered structure (hexagonal) was found for the ribbons fabricated around the roll velocity, VR≂30 m/s. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy changed from uniaxial (Ku1=5.0×107 erg/cm3) to in‐plane anistropy in accordance with the structure change from ThMn12‐ to TbCu7‐type structure. Ms and Tc varied from 125 emu/g and 320 °C (ThMn12 type) to 114 emu/g and 242 °C (TbCu7 type), respectively. The maximum hard magnetic properties for SmTiFe11 alloy ribbons, iHc=3 kOe, (BH)max=3 MGOe, were obtained for the ribbons with a ThMn12‐type structure.