It was my fortune to be assigned the patient to be reported on by Dr. Charles Depping, who, even with the necessarily cursory examination of a busy chief of clinic and distribution officer, recognized the possible importance of the case in the search for a more complete understanding of allergic disease. REPORT OF A CASE History.—V. H., a widowed typist aged 34, presented herself at the clinic of the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in November 1940. Her chief complaint was stoppage of the left side of the nose of fifteen months' duration and a watery secretion, with much sneezing, of three months' duration. There was no history of allergy in the family. She herself had had no symptoms suggestive of allergy before her present illness. Rarely had she had colds or sore throat and never ocular symptoms. In February 1939 a small lump which had been on the