High-resolution Auger-electron spectrum of HCl and DCl

The electron-impact excited high-resolution L2,3VV Auger-electron spectra of HCl and DCl are presented. Four narrow bands are discerned that show a rich fine structure. Comparison between the HCl and DCl spectra shows this fine structure to be due to transitions to vibrational sublevels in the (2π2 )3 Σ, (2π2 )1Δ, and (2π2 )1 Σ+ states of the doubly ionized molecule. By a Franck-Condon analysis the potential curves for all these doubly ionized states in the 2π2 configuration have been determined. The adiabatic double-ionization energies for the (2π2 )3 Σ, (2π2 )1Δ, and (2π2 )1 Σ+ states were determined to be 35.68(5), 37.30(9), and 38.45(10) eV, respectively. The potential well is shallower than 1 eV for all these states, and dissociation occurs via a Coulomb-potential mechanism. The double-ionization energies are used to assign a number of lines in the x-ray-excited photoelectron spectrum of HCl.